The Begining

Sometime 2014 brenda finds a lump in her left breast she allows me to feel lump, it was very hard and dense. I felt sick. Brenda attends the GP, DR. Helga Rhein. she very quickly identifies the lump, but very convincingly describes it as completely benign referring it as, stringy muscle. DR stated no requirement for referal, lump remains, although no symptoms Brenda is confident with the Dr’s response.

2016 brenda receives 1st routine breast screening unfortunatey this was 2.5yrs late after 10 days Brenda receives letter conforming result of mammogram as inconclusive. she was invited back for a second scan, on the day of follow up scan Brenda was informed the result was clear. Brenda asks why both mammograms had failed to pick up the lump in her left breast, that was still present from 2yrs previous, the nurse was surprised but unable to give an explanation she then carried out physical examination on Brenda’s breast, confirming the presence of the lump, ultra-sound was immediately carried out, a biopsy straight after the results where positive, Brenda was advised to attend 1 week later, to bring me with her at this point brenda and I knew. 

1 week later we have a consultation with DR Killarni, he confirms, breast cancer describing it as a small low grade ductal carcinoma, he states easily dealt with no requirement for masectomy. lumpectomy followed by radio-therapy, with 10yrs of hormone therapy to follow. DR Kilcarni informed brenda and I he did not think the cancer had been there very long, he looked a bit surprised when brenda informed him it had been in her breast some 2yrs + no discussion regarding failure of mammograms.

Approx 2 weeks later Brenda receives lumpectomy as a day patient. When i arrived at hospital to pick Brenda up, I was very alarmed at how unwell she looked. she was very grey, and felt extremely nauseous. dont know why i didn’t take her back to ward. after doning off from hospital i had to pull over. brenda vomitted violently for several minutes. she remained unwell over the next 2 day. brenda was an extremely fit healthy woman. i hate to post lumpectomy brenda goes on to receive 15 sessions of radiotherapy, which she tolerates extremey well think how dealing with patients in this way would effect someone not so fit / healthy.

Approx 2 weeks later brenda receives lumpectomy as a day patient. when arrived at hospital to pick brenda up, I was very alarmed at how unwell she looked, She was very grey, and felt extremely nauseous. I dont know why i didn’t take her back to ward, after driving off from hospital, I had to pull over Brenda vomitted violently for several minutes. She remained unwell over the next 2 day. Brenda was an extremely fit healthy woman. I hate to think how dealing with patients in this way would effect someone not so fit / healthy.

Post lumpectomy brenda receives 15 sessions of radio-therapy, which she tolerates extremely well, thereafter is put on long term hormone therapy.

Soon after the lumpectomy followed by the radio- therapy, we attend consultation Brenda told the procedure went extremely well, also confirming lump that brenda had carried for 2.5 yrs + was gone, advised 5 yrs before all clear is given, but reiterated was small low grade cancer, unlikely to re-occur.